Business Claim


If a business experiences property damage and interruption of business operations, it is vital that a claim is accurately filed according to your insurance policy conditions. If you try to handle your claim yourself, it takes time better spent running your business or property operations.  Don’t become a statistic. FEMA reports that 46% of businesses that suffer a major loss fail within the first year of recovery. Plan your recovery and hire a professional to manage your best interests in the process.

General Public Adjusters will represent your interests and needs including filing insurance claims for business interruption or additional expenses due to loss of use. We coordinate the preparation of a detailed and properly documented claim for the complete cost of repair and reconstruction of the building according to code using like kind and quality goods.

We will review your insurance policy to determine coverage of your loss. We will work diligently so you receive the maximum settlement amount under your policy. We provide assistance in the engagement of other experts such as engineers, architects, etc. as needed.

We will attend any and all necessary meetings with your insurance company, their adjusters or representatives, or any other interested parties. We will maintain documentation of any proposed agreements and follow up with confirmation in writing from the insurance company. We keep you informed and in control throughout the whole process. We will review all adjustment offers with you for your full and final approval.